FBA Official Statement on State’s Participation in the NTIA and Digital Equity Grant Programs
“The Fiber Broadband Association applauds NTIA for achieving 100% participation from all 56 States and Territories that are eligible in the BEAD and Digital Equity Planning Grant programs, five days ahead of the Letter of Intent deadline. NTIA is developing a track record of execution ahead of their deadlines, as evidenced by issuing the NOFOs ahead of schedule and gaining full participation well in advance of the deadline. This level of execution not only shows the level of commitment by NTIA, the Department of Commerce and the Administration but it also demonstrates the strong commitment by the leadership in the States and Territories to build the critical broadband infrastructure that will serve generations to come. Earlier this week, the Fiber Broadband Association and NTCA released an updated version of the Broadband Infrastructure Playbook to assist State Broadband Offices in making efficient use of these funds, and we stand ready to support NTIA and the state officials on this historic mission to bring digital equity to all Americans.”
-Gary Bolton, President and CEO, Fiber Broadband Association