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About the Q1 2024 Fiber Forward Cover

“Without thinking too much about it in specific terms, I was showing the America I knew and observed to others who might not have noticed. My fundamental purpose is to interpret the typical American. I am a storyteller,” said Norman Rockwell. 

Given fiber’s impact this year and the years to come on reshaping America’s broadband reality in towns and communities large and small, we thought paying homage to The Saturday Evening Post illustrator and artist whose illustrations documented everyday Americana for over 50 years would be a fitting tribute to both his work and the larger changes fiber is delivering across the nation.

Borrowing from the cover of the November 21, 1936, edition of The Saturday Evening Post titled, “Overheard Lovers” to create our own version, “Overheard Lovers of Broadband,” illustrates the impact of fiber on both rural and urban communities. Both sides of the bench are leveraging the power of fiber broadband to connect, learn, and share. As NTIA’s BEAD funding starts to flow and is joined by other federal, state, and private investment dollars, users in any community, from the smallest town to the largest city, can look forward to connecting to people, places, and possibilities like never before. 

As is our practice, we’ve hidden Easter Eggs in this cover, including a throwback to our first illustrative cover from the Q1 2023 issue. Our thanks to talented Raleigh-based Illustrator Alice Holleman (, for once again providing us with her excellent talent and art.